1 Introduction to security

We use cryptography on a daily basis: our wireless communications or web traffic are encrypted, companies protect their data with cryptographic algorithms, and so on. We all have a basic or intuitive understanding of how cryptographic algorithms work. In this chapter, we want to make this intuition more precise and give you tools to think about cryptographic algorithms more formally, and reason scientifically about security.

Therefore, in this section we will:

  1. Introduce three basic principles of cryptographic algorithm design;

  2. Introduce the notion of security parameter and security level.

1.1 What cryptography is and is not

Cryptography is a field that lies halfway between mathematics and computer science, and is occupied with building algorithms that protect communications in some way, for example ensuring privacy or integrity of a message sent through an insecure channel.

In this course, we will describe some of the most important cryptographic algorithms. They are the foundation for many security mechanisms and protocols that are part of the digital world. Thus, when you finish this course, you will have the basis to understand these mechanisms. But it is also important that you understand what is not covered in this course, and what are the limitations of what you will learn. In particular, a well-known course on cryptography1 mentions three warnings that you should take into consideration:

  1. Cryptography is not the solution to all security problems;

  2. Cryptography is not reliable unless implemented and used properly;

  3. Cryptography is not something that you should try to invent yourself, as there are many and many examples of broken ad-hoc designs.

1.2 Fundamental security principles

Let us consider a common example. When we type our WiFi password to connect to a network, we are assuming that what we are doing is "secure" because only us have some secret information (the password), that allows us to do this. In the context of cryptography, we call this secret information the secret key.

But what if an attacker tries all the possible keys until he finds the right one? This is what is called a brute-force attack. We will consider a few different scenarios:

  • Our secret key is a 4-digit number. Then, in the worst case, the attacker will need to try \[10^4=10000\] potential keys. Assuming one try per second, this will take a bit less than three hours.

  • Our secret key is a 12-character string of digits and English letters. Since there are 10 possible digits and 26 possible letters for each position, the number of potential keys is \[36^{12}=4738381338321616896.\] At the same rate, the attacker will need, approximately, \(1.5\cdot10^{11}\) years to try all of them. For reference, this number is roughly half of the number of stars in the Milky Way.

Exercise 1.1 A WiFi password is \(10\) bits long. Assume that an attacker tries one password per second. How long does it take to find the key by brute force? What if the password is \(\lambda\) bits long?

The idea is that, if our password is generated in a good way, this will take too long! So we are implicitly thinking that our scheme is secure because an attacker has limited time or limited money to buy hardware to perform very fast attacks and find our password. This leads to the first fundamental principle of modern cryptography:

Principle 1. Security depends on the resources of the attacker. We say that a cryptographic scheme is secure if there are no efficient attacks.

Cryptographic algorithms need to be carefully reviewed by the scientific community, and directions for implementation and interoperability must be given before they are adopted. This is done by institutions such as NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US.2 Thus, coming up with new, secure algorithms is difficult. In fact, the algorithms that are used in practice are public, known to everyone, and in particular to potential attackers. For instance, in the case of a WiFi password, it is a publicly-known fact that WPA is used. This is a general design principle in cryptography: security must come from the choice of a secret key and not from attackers not knowing which algorithm we are using.

Principle 2 (Kerckhoffs’s principle). Design your system so that it is secure even if the attacker knows all of its algorithms.3

So what makes our systems secure is the fact that, although the attacker knows the algorithm, it does not know the secret key that we are using. Back to the WiFi example, an attacker knows that the WPA standard is used, but they just don’t know our password.

Another implicit assumption that we are making when we think that our connection is "secure" is that our secret key is sufficiently random, that is, that there are many possibilities for the secret key. This leads us to the third and last principle.

Principle 3. Security is impossible without randomness.

As we will see, randomness plays an essential role in cryptographic algorithms. In particular, it is always essential that secret keys are chosen to be sufficiently random (i.e. they should have enough entropy). A bad randomness source almost always translates into a weakness of the cryptographic algorithm.

1.3 Security parameter

Obviously, cryptographic algorithms need to be efficient to be used in practice. On the other hand, we have seen that no attack should be efficient at all, i.e. they should be computationally infeasible. Before we go on, we need to determine the meaning of efficiency, so that the concept is formal and quantifiable. At the same time, and because of Principle 1, we need to relate efficiency with security somehow.

The way to achieve this is through a natural number that we call the security parameter, usually denoted by \(\lambda\). The information about both security and efficiency will be expressed in terms of the security parameter.

Definition 1.1 An algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) is said to be efficient (or polynomial-time) if there exists a positive polynomial \(p\) such that, for any \(\lambda\in\mathbb{N}\), when \(\mathcal{A}\) receives as input a bitstring of length \(\lambda\), it finishes in \(p(\lambda)\) steps.

We note that here we are interested in having a rough estimate on the running time, so we count each basic bit operation as one step. We use equivalently the terms running time, number of steps, number of operations.

An important observation is that a single polynomial must work for any value of \(\lambda\). Otherwise, any algorithm would be considered efficient. The intuition behind the definition is that we allow the running time of the algorithm to grow when the input gets larger, but not “too much too fast”. Let us consider two examples to illustrate the concept of polynomial-time algorithms:

  • Algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) takes two \(\lambda\)-bit integers \(m,n\) and adds them.

  • Algorithm \(\mathcal{B}\) takes a \(\lambda\)-bit integer \(n\in\{0,\dots,2^{\lambda}-1\}\) and finds its prime factors in the following way: for each \(i=1,\dots,n\), it checks whether \(i\) divides \(n\), and if that is the case it outputs \(i\).

Are they efficient? The first one is efficient, because the number of operations is \(O(\lambda)\), while the second one is inefficient because the number of operations is \(O(2^{\lambda})\). In other words, the number of operations grows exponentially when we increase the size of the input. As is well known, exponential functions grow much faster than polynomials, and so in this case we will not be able to find a polynomial to satisfy Definition 1.1. Thus, algorithm \(\mathcal{B}\) is not efficient.

Below, you can find a Sage implementation of each of the two algorithms, with the tools to compare their running times for different sizes of \(\lambda\). Observe that, by increasing the security parameter, soon the second algorithm starts taking too long to terminate.

# Choose the security parameter
sec_param = 12

# Generate two random numbers of bit length lambda
n = randrange(2^(sec_param-1),2^(sec_param)-1)
m = randrange(2^(sec_param-1),2^(sec_param)-1)

print ("n =",n,"\nm =",m)

# Define algorithm A, which adds the two numbers
def algorithm_a(n,m):

# Measure the time it takes to run algorithm A
%time algorithm_a(n,m)

# Define algorithm A, which tries to factor a number
def algorithm_b(n):
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        if mod(n,i)==0:

# Measure the time it takes to run algorithm B
%time algorithm_b(n)

Exercise 1.2 Decide whether the following algorithms run in polynomial time:

  • An algorithm that takes as input two integers \(n,m\) (in base 2) and computes the sum \(n+m\).

  • An algorithm that takes as input an integer \(n\) and prints all the integers from \(1\) to \(\ell\), if:

    • \(\ell=n\).

    • \(\ell=n/2\).

    • \(\ell=\sqrt{n}\).

    • \(\ell=10^6\).

    • \(\ell=\log_2 n\).

We are now in position to discuss the efficiency and security of a cryptographic scheme in more grounded terms. For cryptographic schemes that require secret keys, the security parameter \(\lambda\) is the bit length of the key. All the algorithms that compose some cryptographic scheme, like an encryption or signature scheme, should run in time polynomial in \(\lambda\).

A classical example of this is an encryption scheme, which is the cryptographic primitive that will be the focus of most of the course. We first introduce the notion of symmetric encryption scheme.4

Definition 1.2 A symmetric encryption scheme is composed of three efficient algorithms: \[(\mathsf{KeyGen},\mathsf{Enc},\mathsf{Dec}).\]

  • The \(\mathsf{KeyGen}\) algorithm chooses some key \(\mathsf{k}\) of length \(\lambda\), according to some probability distribution.

  • The \(\mathsf{Enc}\) algorithm uses the secret key \(\mathsf{k}\) to encrypt a message \(\mathsf{m}\), and outputs the encrypted message \[\mathsf{c}=\mathsf{Enc}_{\mathsf{k}}(\mathsf{m}).\]

  • The \(\mathsf{Dec}\) algorithm uses the secret key \(\mathsf{k}\) to decrypt an encrypted message \(\mathsf{c}\), recovering \[\mathsf{m}\] as \[\mathsf{Dec}_{\mathsf{k}}(\mathsf{c})=\mathsf{m}.\]

In this context, \(\mathsf{m}\) is called the plaintext, and \(\mathsf{c}\) is said to be its corresponding ciphertext.

Technically, the fact that the algorithms are efficient is expressed as requiring that the three algorithms run in time polynomial in \(\lambda\).5

On the other hand, observe that, if an attacker wants to try all the possible secret keys, it needs \(O(2^{\lambda})\) steps to do so. This is not polynomial time in the security parameter (again, it is exponential), so it is not efficient according to Definition 1.1.

1.4 Security level

Ideally, we would like that the best possible attack against a scheme is a brute-force attack, in which an attacker (also called adversary) needs to try all the possibilities. However, very often there exist much more sophisticated attacks that need less time. This motivates the following definition:

Definition 1.3 A cryptographic scheme has \(n\)-bit security if the best known attack requires \(2^{n}\) steps.

When the best known attack is a brute-force attack, then \(n=\lambda\), but we will see many examples of the opposite, which makes \(n\) significantly smaller. In a few lessons, we will see the example of hash functions, for which, in the best case, \[n=\frac\lambda 2.\] If we require a security level of \(80\) bits, this forces us to choose \(\lambda=160\), at the least. Another example is RSA, which is a famous encryption scheme that we will study later in the course. In that case, \(\lambda\) needs to be \(1024\) to achieve a security level of roughly \(80\) bits.

Although all the algorithms that compose a scheme, like \((\mathsf{KeyGen},\mathsf{Enc},\mathsf{Dec})\) in the encryption case, are still efficient, their running time typically increases with \(\lambda\). The impact of this is that, the higher the value of \(\lambda\), the more expensive the computations are.

But what is a good security level? Suppose you have some cryptographic algorithm that has \(n\)-bit security for key length \(\lambda\). How do you decide what \(n\) is appropriate for your scheme to be secure? How is \(n\) to be chosen so that it is infeasible (i.e. inefficient for an adversary) to recover the key?

There is no unique answer to this question. As we saw in Principle 1, security is a matter of resources. If an adversary needs to use computational power to perform \(2^n\) steps to attack your system, this will cost him money (electric power, hardware, etc). If your cryptographic tools are protecting something that is worth only \(10\)€, an attacker will not be willing to spend a lot of money attacking it. RFID tags are a good example of this. On the other hand, if you are protecting valuable financial information, or critical infrastructure, you would better make sure that this costs the adversary a lot of resources.

A general rule of thumb is that a cryptosystem is expected to give you at the very least an \(80\)-bit security level. By today’s computing power levels, this is considered even a bit weak, and acceptable security levels are more around the \(100\)-bit mark. This does not mean that any attack below \(2^{100}\) can be easily run on your PC at home! The website https://www.keylength.com/ maintains a list of key size recommendations suggested by different organizations.

The following table, taken from Mike Rosulek’s book The Joy of Cryptography gives some estimates of computational cost in economic terms.6

Security level Approximate cost Reference
50 $3.50 cup of coffee
55 $100 decent tickets to a Portland Trailblazers game
65 $130000 median home price in Oshkosh, WI
75 $130 million budget of one of the Harry Potter movies
85 $140 billion GDP of Hungary
92 $20 trillion GDP of the United States
99 $2 quadrillion all of human economic activity since 300,000 BC
128 really a lot a billion human civilizations’ worth of effort

Exercise 1.3 Determine the security level when:

  • My password consists of \(20\) random letters of the Catalan alphabet.

  • Same as above, but including also capital letters.

  • My password is a word of the Catalan dictionary (88500 words).

  1. D. Boneh. Cryptography I, Coursera. Available at https://www.coursera.org/learn/crypto.↩︎

  2. https://www.nist.gov/.↩︎

  3. Kerckhoffs’s principle is named after Auguste Kerckhoffs, who published the article La Cryptographie Militaire* in 1883.*↩︎

  4. In the second half of the course, we will deal with the notion of asymmetric encryption schemes, in which there are two different keys, a public key that is used for encryption and a secret key that is used for decryption.↩︎

  5. In many cryptography books, you will find that \(\mathsf{KeyGen}\) should be a (probabilistic) polynomial time algorithm that takes as input \(1^{\lambda}\), which is the string with \(\lambda\) ones. This is a way to write that \(\mathsf{KeyGen}\) should be polynomial in \(\lambda\).↩︎

  6. Note that he uses the English definition of billion, that is, \(10^9\). Same for the other amounts. Also, the table seems to be based on data from 2018, so the up-to-date numbers might vary slightly.↩︎